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Course Explores Online Home Business

Submitted by on January 17, 2012 – 1:02 pm

“Making Money in Your Online Home Business”, a new, one-night, noncredit class offered by Northern Essex Community College’s Division of Workforce Development and Community Education could help you, start a home-based online business, invest in one of the myriad internet business opportunities available today, or earn more if you are already involved .

The class will meet Monday, February 27, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at NECC’s Riverwalk campus, 360 Merrimack St., Lawrence. The cost is $39 per person.

Taught by Michael Salach, an experienced instructor and business owner/consultant, for the The Bay State Consulting Group, the class will explore who makes money in these businesses, how to best evaluate the opportunities, how they work, what you need to know and do to be successful, and how you can make or lose significant money in these.

To register, call 978-556-3700. For the most current information and complete course descriptions visit