NECC Chorus Plans Spring Concert

NECC Chorus
This performance is open to the public. Admission is $5.
Music from the last 500 years, from Thomas Morley (1557 to 1602) to George Bizet (1838-1875) “Habanera” aria from the opera “Carmen” to Richard Wagner (1813-1883) “Spinning Song” from the opera “The Flying Dutchman” to a contemporary arrangement of John Williams, will be performed by this semester’s students as well as a few alumni.
Chorus members include Bonnie Surowiec of Amesbury, Derek Charlesworth of Haverhill, Shayna Leavy of Haverhill, Angilyne Bailey of Lawrence, Dan Smith of Haverhill, Heather Rydstrom of Windham, NH, Sergia Rosa of Lawrence, John Rodgers of Derry, NH, NECC chorus director Alisa Bucchiere of West Newbury, Jillian Scaccia of Kittery, ME, Summer LeCain of Andover, Rob Hamel of North Andover, Lissangy Rodriguez of Haverhill, Heather Trainor of Merrimac, Coty Markee of Byfield, and Amanda Clooney of Methuen.
Tickets can be purchased at the door.
For additional information contact Alisa Bucchiere, NECC Choral Director, at