NECC Offers Courses to Organize Work and Life
Whether you want to organize your home, your workplace, or your life, Northern Essex Community College Riverwalk is offering a series of four organizing courses to help you get it done.
Both the veteran and novice organizer can benefit from the courses offered Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:30pm beginning February 4. Each three-week course is $119.
The courses will be taught by Susan Walko, experienced instructor and professional organizer who manages Organiz-ER, a business designed to helping individuals become personally organized in their homes and professional lives.
The courses are “Paper Organizing,” starting on February 4th “Desk Management” March 4th, “E-Organizing,” on April 1st and “Organizing for Special Populations.” May 6th.
Contact Dianne Lahaye at or 978-659-1222 for more information. To register contact Enrollment Services at 978-556-3700.