NECC Honors Retirees

Shown front row left to right Sherrie Carroll, Magdalena Suarez-Shannon, Donna Bouchard and (back row left to right) Catherine (Kitty) Dabrowksi, Bill Heineman, and Allan Hislop.
One-hundred and forty longtime members of Northern Essex Community College’s faculty and staff were recognized for their service to the college at a luncheon on Friday, Nov. 6 on the Haverhill Campus.
Bill Heineman, vice president of academic and student affairs, welcomed the group and presented awards to employees celebrating 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 years with the college as well as those who retired this year.
Five members of the faculty and staff who recently retired were also recognized including Donna Bouchard, Human Resources, 23 years of service; Sherrie Carroll, Gallaudet University Regional Center, 12 years of service; Catherine Dabrowski, Nursing, 32 years of service; Allan Hislop, Global Studies, 36 years of service; and Magdalena Suarez-Shannon, Criminal Justice, 5 years of service.
View a full list of everyone who was recognized at the luncheon including their years of service.
Hosted by Office of Human Resource Development, this luncheon is held annually.