NECC Professor Shares Everglade Adventure at Amesbury Library

NECC Biology Professor Ken Thomas will share his Everglades adventure at the Amesbury Public Library on Jan. 30.
Dr. Ken Thomas, professor of biology at Northern Essex Community College, will give a presentation titled “Padding the Florida Everglades: A Hundred Mile Journey” at the Amesbury Library, 149 Main St on Wednesday, Jan 20 at 6:30 p.m.
This talk chronicles Professor Thomas’ “trip of a lifetime” from its planning and preparation stages to the actual trip itself. Hear about the pain of fire ant and no-see-um attacks, the beauty of paddling under a full moon, the frustration of running aground at super low tides, and the challenge of paddling during small craft advisories.
Dr. Kenneth Thomas, professor of biology at Northern Essex Community College, earned his Associate of Arts degree in Liberal Arts from NECC, a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from UMass Lowell, and a Master’s of Science in Zoology and Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from the University of Rhode Island.
Prior to teaching at NECC he taught for eight years at Hillsborough Community College in Florida.
His special interests include marine biology, student travel, science literacy, sailing, kayaking, and canoeing.
This presentation is made possible through the Northern Essex Community College Speakers Bureau. For more information on the speakers’ bureau, visit the college’s website or contact Ernie Greenslade, director of public relations, at 978-556-3862 or
The presentation is free and open to the public but since space is limited reservations are required. You can sign up by visiting the Amesbury Library website, . For more information on this presentation, contact Kim Butler at the Amesbury Library, or 978 388-8148.