Displaced Business Woman Earns Elusive Degree

NECC Business Management grad Linda Goddu is adding a degree to her decades of supervisory experience.
Linda Goddu may have had nearly two dozen years of business experience, primarily as a supervisor, but what she didn’t have was a college degree. That will change for the Salem, NH, resident when she receives her associate degree in business management on Saturday, May 19, from Northern Essex Community College.
The 55-year old came to NECC in May of 2016 after the customer-service call center she managed for a telecommunications company was out-sourced to the Philippines in August of 2015. After the layoff, Goddu quickly came to understand she was “underqualified” since she didn’t have a college degree. With funding from the Trade Act, she quickly set about correcting this shortfall.
She had given college a go back when she first graduated from Timberlane High School in 1980, but attending a large university full time while working full-time and part-time jobs was difficult. Since she had a car to support, Goddu opted for the workforce.
She worked a variety of jobs including dispatcher and communications supervisor for two area police departments and office manager for a physical therapist. Along the way she accrued business and supervisory skills. Eventually she went to work as a general clerk for New England Telephone. Over the next 24 years she climbed the corporate ladder to the supervisory level, started a family and even enrolled in the occasional college course, but never pursued a degree…until now.
Not looking to reinvent herself, but rather reboot her career, the nontraditional student enrolled in the business management associate degree program. “It’s in my comfort zone. I want to stay with what I know. I want to stay in management. I enjoy working with and supervising groups.”
With her son and daughter grown and her husband Steven busy operating his printing company, playing his trumpet for local bands and orchestras, and writing a wine column for Merrimack Valley Magazine, Goddu found the time to fully embrace the college experience.
“I totally have a different perspective on college now than in my twenties,” she said. “I love this school. The professors and instructors embrace the students’ abilities and push them to excel which builds their self-confidence.”
Goddu, who holds a 3.85 GPA (darn that anatomy and physiology class from earlier times) joined Alpha Beta Gamma, the community college business honors society; volunteered serving meals at Cor Unum in Lawrence; baked for the Student Government Association; and participated in the internship program – working In NECC’s Student Life encouraging other students to become involved in Northern Essex activities.
With her degree now complete, Goddu is anxious to return to the business world and is already working with staffing agencies to identify her next move. One thing is certain…she will soon be a member of the NECC Alumni Association.
NECC offers an associate degree in business management that prepares individuals for success across a broad array of career paths or for transfer to earn a bachelor’s degree in business or a related academic discipline. In addition, NECC offers business degrees in accounting, business management, hospitality management, business management: healthcare practice, and business transfer.
for additional information on NECC’s business degrees contact Kristen Quinn at 978-556-3551 or kquinn@necc.mass.edu