NECC Employees Recognized for Work Performance

Northern Essex Community College President Lane Glenn congratulates the third quarter recipients of the NECC Employee Recognition Award. (L to R) President Lane Glenn, Karen Hruska, Janice Grant Menes, and Robert Scott Howes.
Three Northern Essex Community College employees, Janice Grant Menes of Reading, Robert Scott Howes of Haverhill, and Karen Hruska of Ipswich, recently received the Employee Recognition Award for the third quarter of 2018.
The Employee Recognition Award recognizes the many and varied contributions of the college’s nearly 700 employees. Employees are selected each quarter based on recommendations from supervisors and co-workers. Recipients receive a $150 certificate to the restaurant or mall of his or her choice.
Grant Menes, a writing and English skills tutor at NECC for nine years, holds a master’s degree from Harvard Graduate School of Education. She received a nomination from Sara Codair, NECC adjunct instructor and writing skills tutor.
“Janice truly wants students to succeed, and that is reflected in her hard work,” said Codair. “She acts as a coach, offering advice on succeeding, and helping students find the resources they need. She has an excellent customer service attitude and is always friendly and courteous.”
Howes, a supervisor in the facilities department, has worked at Northern Essex for 22 years. A graduate of Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School, he previously held positions at NECC as an HVAC mechanic and first class power engineer.
Paul Miedzionoski, director of facilities at Northern Essex, nominated Howes. He wrote, “Scott demonstrates a high level of performance, while handling the personnel and technical issues that he addresses each day. He has a great deal of pride working with NECC and truly makes every effort to serve the staff, faculty, and especially students.”
Hruska, NECC’s director of counseling and psychological services for two years, holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology from Lesley University. She was nominated by Janel D’Agata-Lynch, NECC’s civic engagement and service learning coordinator.
“Karen has been a champion for students’ needs around hunger, bringing fresh food on campus each month for our Mobile Mart, arranging for community food donations, and coordinating volunteers. She is always willing to work to better meet student needs in innovative ways,” wrote D’Agata-Lynch.
Sean Goldman, former NECC Veterans Coordinator, supported her nomination.