Honors Courses
FALL 2024 Honors Courses
Note: ANY interested student may enroll in Honors Courses (EXCEPT the Honors Seminar) regardless of your GPA, if you are prepared to do so!
What makes an Honors section different from a regular section? Honors courses are NOT “more work” or “harder.” They are DIFFERENT! Honors courses ask students to work on individual projects and present them to the class as part of the class learning experience. They also include an experiential component, such as a field trip, or they may invite guest lecturers to the classroom. Honors courses are small and seminar-style discussions are encouraged. Any student can be an Honors student!
Honors Seminar (HON200-T8 7754)
Artificial Intelligence
Haverhill T/R 8:00-9:15 Team taught by Devan Walton (Computer Science) and Michael Jackson (English)
The Honors Seminar is required to graduate as a CHP Scholar. It is offered online only every two years. It can be used as a Free/Liberal Arts/Humanities elective. GPA 3.2+ required.
Honors English Composition I (ENG101-HON 7759)
Fully Online! Instructor: Ginger Hurajt
Honors Introduction to Biology I (BIO111-HON 7246)
Lawrence M/W 9:30-10:45; W 11-1:30 Instructor: Ken Thomas
Honors American Government and Politics (GOV101-LHN 7678)
Lawrence T/R 12:30-1:45 Instructor TBA
Honors American Literature I (LIT201-HON 7760)
Haverhill M/W 9:30-10:45 Instructor: Ginger Hurajt
Honors Lifespan Psychology (PSY110-LHN 7761)
Lawrence Hybrid T 9:30-10:45 Instructor: Louis LaBella
Honors English Composition I (ENG101-LHN)
Lawrence M/W 11:00-12:15 Instructor: William Gleed
Honors Introduction to Computer Science (CIS140-HON 7362)
Haverhill T/R 11:30-1:45 Instructor: Devan Walton
Honors General Chemistry I (CHM121-LHN 7240)
Haverhill Monday 6:30-9:30 Instructor: Pam Hallock
Introduction to Liberal Art (HUM102-HON 7758)
Haverhill T 12:30-1:45 Instructor: Kim Lyng
Anatomy and Physiology I (BIO121-LHN 7770)
Hybrid Lawrence M 6:00-7:50 Instructor Maria Carles
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