Family Resources and Child Care
Resources to Help Locate Child Care and Family Support Services
Northern Essex Community College offers a referral service to resources in the community. To meet with someone at NECC to discuss your need, please use the Community Resources Referral Form to submit your request.
Childcare Resources
Child Care Circuit
Child Care Circuit is a Massachusetts based private non-profit organization providing child care referrals, training, parent and provider services locally and nationwide. Their services include free on-line search for child care, building partnerships to help families, collecting accurate statistical information on Massachusetts child care, providing information on state vouchers and training to parents and providers, as well as many others. Child Care Circuit provides services to much of the North Shore as well as other surrounding areas.
Address: 190 Hampshire St, Lawrence, MA 01840
Phone: 800-660-2868
Website: Child Care Circuit
Elder Services
Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley
Elder Services is a private non-profit agency serving elders and disabled adults who reside in Northeast Massachusetts. Elder Services Care Managers and Nurses work with thousands of elders and family members each day to make sure they have the right services, living arrangements, and access to good health care and benefits. They can help you find information about elder issues, get referrals for needed services and provide alternatives to nursing home care. They also have caregiver support and respite programs for family caregivers.
Address: 280 Merrimack Street, Suite 400, Lawrence, MA 01843
Phone: 800-892-0890 and TDD/TTY 800-924-4222
Parental Resources and Support
Healthy Families
Healthy Families Massachusetts is a free and voluntary support program for young, first-time moms and dads across the state. You can sign up for the program during pregnancy and continue up to your child’s third birthday.
Phone: 978-521-6265
Phone: 978-681-9504
Website: Healthy Families
Parents Helping Parents
Provides free, confidential, and anonymous parenting support groups and parental stress line. These groups serve as a safe place for parents to express frustrations and concern about their children and families and get advice from other parents who understand.
Parental Stress Line: 800-632-8188 (Free and Confidential 24/7)
Phone: 617-926-5008
Website: Parents Helping Parents of Massachusetts
Detailed information regarding the specific services provided by the institutions on this page have been copied directly from institutions’ websites or acquired materials.
Print Viewstudent support
The Success for All at NECC Strategic Plan (2022-2027) has a goal to improve student support services through a holistic approach that removes barriers to enrollment and achievement.

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Community Resources