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As part of the placement process, you will take an English Guided Self-Placement (GSP) and a Mathematics Guided Self-Placement (GSP) to complete your academic assessment. Placement is offered online, in person at the Haverhill Campus, and in person at the Lawrence Campus.

Before choosing online or in person placement below, click here to see if you are exempt from taking the academic assessment.

  • The goal of the English GSP is to offer you the opportunity to choose an informed educational path. You will be asked questions about your past educational and English language experience and your future goals. Your responses will take you to relevant resources or additional questions leading you to your next steps.
  • The goal of the Math GSP is to provide you with the opportunity to choose the mathematics course that best fits your skill level and academic needs. You will self-evaluate your mathematics background, algebraic abilities, and confidence in math.
  • The GSP is untimed. The estimated time to complete the English GSP and the Math GSP is 30 minutes.  However, we encourage you to take your time, read the questions thoroughly, and answer them honestly and to the best of your ability to ensure appropriate course placement.
  • You must have a NECC ID number to take the academic assessment. If you do not, click here to follow the enrollment process. Once you receive your NECC ID number, you can take the English Guided Self-Placement (GSP) and the Math Guided Self-Placement (GSP).  
  • GSP placements take up to 2 business days to process. Placements will be provided to you when you meet with an advisor to register for classes.

Upon completion of placement, your next step will be to complete Orientation, if you have not done so. After completing Orientation, an NECC staff member will contact you to schedule an advising appointment to develop an academic plan and to register for classes.

Online Guided Self-Placement (GSP) Instructions

Use the Google Web Browser and only take the English GSP and the Math GSP one time!  

Google Translate is available by clicking on the 3 dots at the top right corner of the screen and from the drop-down menu click Translate, or right-click on the screen and click Translate.

  • Click English Guided-Self Placement (GSP). Be sure to click Submit, click Save my response, and X out of the tab.
  • Once the English GSP is completed click Placement Schedule or click on the browser tab to bring you to Placement Schedule.
  • Click Mathematics Guided Self-Placement (GSP). Be sure to click Submit, click Save my response, and X out of the tab. 
  • On both the English and Math GSP, be sure to click Next to go to the next page. You can click Back to review or change your self-placement before clicking Submit. Click Save my response and X when completed.
  • If you are prompted with a Microsoft Sign in screen, do not enter your email or create an account. X out of all the tabs.
  • GSP placements will be provided to you when you meet with an advisor to register for classes.

If you have technical issues, please email or call 978-556-3448 and a staff member will assist you.

In person Guided Self-Placement (GSP) Schedule

    Haverhill Campus walk-in schedule at the Academic Placement & Testing Center in Haverhill at 100 Elliott St., Haverhill, MA  01830, Technology Center, Room TC122 is Monday-Friday starting at 9:00 AM up until 3:00 PM, no appointment is necessary.

    • Schedule ExceptionsNo in-person placement February 17, 2025, April 21, 2025, May 26, 2025, June 19, 2025, July 4, 2025

    Lawrence Campus walk-in schedule at the Academic Placement & Testing Center in Lawrence at 45 Franklin St., Lawrence, MA  01840, Dimitry Building, Room L135 is Monday-Friday starting at 9:00 AM up until 3:00 PM, no appointment is necessary.

    • Schedule Exceptions: No in-person placement February 17, 2025, March 6, 2025, April 21, 2025, May 26, 2025, June 19, 2025, July 4, 2025

    The Placement Schedule is subject to change. Be sure to look at Schedule Exceptions!

    Placement is not available when the college is closed.  There are a few ways to find out whether the college is closed:

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