Beyond The Classroom
Enhance Your Learning and Enrich Your Life
“Active learning.” “Hands-on learning.” “Learning by doing.” No matter what you call it, learning that occurs outside of the classroom often has a powerful, and positive, influence on your personal and professional growth.
You may be able to earn academic credit for some of the below learning experiences, but most students discover the experience itself is of even greater value.
Study Abroad
Choose from the popular short courses (2 – 4 weeks), or a full semester abroad in almost any country you wish. MORE about Study Abroad
Service Learning
A great way to put new skills and knowledge you’ve gained in the classroom to use by applying them to a worthwhile organization on campus, or in the community. MORE about Service Learning
Civic Engagement
Civic engagement fosters a sense of community, develops self-awareness, practices problem solving, and widens worldviews. These experiences enhance applications for employment, college, and scholarships. MORE about Civic Engagement
Gain invaluable insight into potential career paths. You may also be able to earn academic credit if the experience meets certain academic requirements. MORE about Internships
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