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If an instructor or tutor informs you that your writing contains comma splices, you are not alone. It is one of the top mistakes made by student writers. When a writer incorrectly connects two complete thoughts with a comma,  a comma splice has been created.

Example of a Comma Splice – Two Clauses, Incorrectly Connected by a Comma

Twenty years ago many students were still using typewriters to type their essays, now typewriters are considered antiques.

As a Writer You Have a Four Major Ways to Fix the Problem of a Comma Splice.

See the examples below.

  1. Use a Period

    Twenty years ago many students were still using typewriters to type their essays. Now typewriters are considered antiques.

  2. Use a Semicolon

    Twenty years ago many students were still using typewriters to type their essays; now typewriters are considered antiques.

  3. Use a Coordinating Conjunction

    Twenty years ago many students were still using typewriters to type their essays, but now typewriters are considered antiques. (Keep the comma when you add coordinating conjunction.)

  4. Use a Subordinating Conjunction

    While twenty years ago many students were still using typewriters to type their essays, now typewriters are considered antiques.

Created By Joanna S. Fortna, 2011
Revised by K. Schroeder, 2023