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Upon completing this Certification students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a working and practical knowledge of this age specific developmental stage.
  • Develop a working knowledge of biological aging up to and including cellular changes, organ function decline, and the role of genetics.
  • Understand how lifestyle factors and health habits can influence the aging process. Identify and compare different approaches and strategies of treatment.

  • Gain insights into cognitive changes that occur with age, from memory and problem-solving to the impact on mental health. Learn strategies to maintain cognitive function and promote healthy aging.
  • Understand the social dynamics and emotional challenges faced by older adults. Explore issues such as loneliness, retirement, caregiving, and the importance of maintaining social connections.
  • Discuss common health issues associated with aging, including chronic diseases, nutrition, and physical fitness. Discover preventive measures and lifestyle choices that can promote longevity and well-being.
  • Explore the concept of successful aging and how it differs across cultures.
  • Discover available resources, services, and support networks for older adults and their families. Learn how to navigate healthcare systems and access social services.
  • Demonstrate a working and practical knowledge of major treatment approaches currently employed in the field of Human Services as it relates to this population.
  • Identify and compare different approaches and strategies of resources as it relates to this population.
  • Explore end-of-life planning, palliative care, and the ethical dilemmas surrounding aging, including issues related to advance directives and decision-making.